Windsor Aquarium Society
Established in 2013, the Windsor Aquarium Society is a group for fish hobbyists, amateur aquarists, and anyone interested in keeping or currently owning an aquarium.
Each month we host meetings that feature Guest Speakers, auctions, raffles, presentations, contests and a chance to connect with like minded hobbyists. We get together to discuss anything related to aquariums, fish, underwater habitats and much more. We also hold special events throughout the year such as the SWAP Meets which we started in 2019, a Summer BBQ, and Bus Trips to the Toronto and surrounding area Aquarium Stores.
Become a member today for benefits that allow you and your family to participate in our bowl shows, Breeders (BAP) program, Horticultural (HAP) program, voting and/or participation for the Windsor Aquarium Society Executive, and access to the Online Forum.
We have the following digital representations: WAS Official Online Forum, WAS Official Facebook Page and of course here, the WAS Official Website. Getting to know us has never been easier!
We welcome all Hobbyists of any level whether you are just starting out, or an “Old Timer” with decades of knowledge.

Frank Aguirre and Angelfish
Frank talks about the controversy behind the “Dantum” line of Angelfish and how its not possible according to science. Join us for this controversial topic along with our normal mini auction and raffle. Bowl show this month: Show us your African Cichlids (Western, Rift Lake…) and our alternate is Show us your Fish (any variety).